From Hip-Hop to EDM

Written by on October 20, 2019

Stimulus by Marvin

Stimulus by Marvin

Marvin Bloc is from Staffordshire, England. He is the man behind the single “Stimulus.” This upbeat dance track has the ingredients to keep any dance floor on ten. It packs the potential to make any EDM Head move.

However, Marvin Bloc got some early music influence from Hip-Hop. He has a passion for how raw and real the music came off to him. It wasn’t until later that he developed a love for EDM.

We caught up with Marvin Bloc recently, He was happy to answer a few questions for Classic Hip-Hop Radio.

What is your music background?

I started to learn to play classical guitar for a while when I was younger, but I would often skip guitar lessons to play outside with my friends. Looking back it’s easy to regret such moments, but your priorities are different when you are that age. I am not a gifted musician by any means. My process involved using a computer and experementing with creating different sounds using many synthesizers. I honestly respect and envy those musicians that can play and create music organically, but despite the best efforts of my parents I am not a gifted musician. I just enjoyed messing about with synthesizers on my computer.

Who are your musical influences?

My first real musical influence was probably 90’s Hip-Hop/Rap music. The music just grabbed me as being very raw and real. I guess it became a bit of a passion
and I had collected a lot of the music form that era. It wasn’t until my late teens that electronic music really took a hold. Trentemoller was a musician I used to
listen to a lot. He had a very unique style and one that just fitted my taste at the time.

What are your long-term career goals?

I don’t have any. I will take each day as it comes.

What type of recording process do you use and who produced your recording?

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grandeur. If people like my track that makes me happy. I am not going to pretend I am super producer of any kind because I am not.

Do you ever get the chance to perform live?

No. You can never say never but I don’t have any desire to become a DJ. Going to nightclubs is becoming a rare occurance now anyway, never mind doing it for a living.

Are you looking for to remain independent or to get a major label deal?

I am not pushing for a record deal mainly because I see making music as a past endeavour. My main reason for doing this interview is because I wanted to see how far I could push Stimulus. It remains the best track I have ever produced and without a substantially bigger budget I’m not sure I could make anything better.

If anything, what would you change about the music industry today?

Am I the problem? If I could give myself one saving grace, it has been commented before that my song has soul compared to the over produced electronic singles of today. Most of today’s electronic tracks are in no doubt more pleasent to listen to, but they are so clinical in there sound. I think today’s music in practically all genres could search for a truer more organic sound.

Do you have any advice for up-and-coming artists?

Do what makes you happy. Start with a blank canvas and just do what your heart tells you.

Anything else you want to say on the people?

I was just youngish guy trying to make music with nothing more than a computer. Most people will hate this idea. But if for whatever reason Stimulus resonates with you, that makes me happy.

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